Music Together

Music Together is a fun, playful music and movement class for newborn through age 6 with parents and caregivers. The curriculum runs a three year cycle of rich song collections which inspire learning, play, and connection for children and the adults who love them. In a typical class, you will see families singing together, moving BIG around the room, playing percussion instruments, drumming, dancing, and enjoying a real sense of family and community. Children have different learning styles and abilities, and ALL are lovingly welcome and supported in Music Together classes.

Newborn to Age 6

Children from 0 – 6 years participate in classes together. Children develop music skills at different ages and in different orders. For example, one child might be able to match pitch very well but have very little sense of rhythm yet, while another child of exactly the same age might have a very developed sense of rhythm but less ability to match pitch. Separating children by age leads to unfair comparison of abilities that are simply developing in different orders! Also, mixed age groupings allow younger children to look up to and learn from older children while giving older children an opportunity to be role models to the younger ones. Think of it this way: In a class of all 3-year-olds, the shy 3-year-old will never be the leader. However, that shy 3-year-old is automatically a leader and role model to all the babies and younger toddlers in a mixed-age grouping. Mixed age grouping also allows entire families to attend classes together and build joyful, musical relationships! Come try it, and see what we mean!


How much class time is spent drumming? While drumming is an important part of the class, it is not exclusively or even primarily a drumming class. The newest aspect of the curriculum (in comparison with other Music Together offerings) is the teaching of the drumming patterns adapted from or inspired by multicultural drumming traditions.

Contact Debra for more details, or join our exciting program here:

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