Spring registration is open!

Registration and payment can be processed online, by mail, or in person. Please make your choice below.

Tuition for 10 week semester:

$185 for one child along with any accompanying adults

$115 for each additional sibling over 7 months (We know having another baby is an adjustment for the whole family! As a courtesy to families with multiple children, infants under 7 months are free with a registered older sibling.)

Registration Fee: 

$15 for new families

$5 for returning families (waived during early registration window)

Wellness Guidelines and Liability Waiver

A signed waiver is required for each family. You may not attend any in-person class offering without a signed waiver on file. 

Please download and print the guidelines. You will automatically be redirected to the online waiver at the end of the registration form.

View our Class Guidelines HERE. 

Online Registration

OK to text?

First Choice Class

Second Choice Class

Third Choice Class

Payment Method

Please Acknowledge

Please Acknowledge

Liability Waiver

Download Printable Form Here

To download the registration form, click on the Download Form button, and print out the form. Complete the information and then hand in or mail the form and payment by check to the address on the form.
Please Note: Your spot is reserved when you have paid for your full tuition.

Form may open in another browser window or tab, or download, depending on your browser settings. If applying by mail you should print and fill out form.

Have questions?

Contact Debra Thornton, Director, at: (321) 543-0187 or by email: debra@youthinharmony.us